"My ideas flow so rapidly that I have not time to express them -- by which means my letters sometimes convey no ideas at all to my correspondents." - Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Writing Advice

I'm getting myself re-introduced to the characters of my projected NaNoWriMo novel.
So far I've found myself among a sweet young heroine, a silly aunt, a couple of giggling girls, a vicar with strong faith and a brother who is humorous but wise.

Today I opened a fortune cookie and the little slip of paper inside rather fit my novel writing frenzy:

"Write your life's events in a journal"

Well, while I won't be taking that advice literally I shall be adding many of my own life experiences to the stories to come.

I am enjoying getting to know my characters more and learning where their lives may take them. I tremble at the idea that November 1st is just a few days away and I must start writing more than I've written in months!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

November is National Novel Writing Month


Since the first time I heard NaNoWriMo mentioned I thought it was a lovely idea to try and write a novel in a month. I knew at first that November would be a very busy month for me to begin such a project so had quite put it out of mind. But after a few other blogging friends mentioned having joined NaNoWriMo I decided I might as well take the plunge. (Here's my profile if anyone wants to add me as a writing buddy)


So I literally have a box of story scriblings under my bed that hold story ideas, plots, and character sketches. This past week I opened that box and took out one forgotten young miss I've been longing to write about.


So lovely Miss Cassandra has been awakened and her friends and adventures are being turned over and over in my mind. Above is a poster/book cover I have designed being very pleased to find a face that rather suits my idea of Cassie. Yes, it will be a piece of Historical Fiction of the Jane Austen type. The title is not official I have another title in mind.

Writing begins November 1st and the goal is 50,000 words by the end of the month. I doubt very much that I will meet that goal but perhaps I may be able to get a head start on Cassie's story and see what happens.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

To The Burdened Heart

I wrote this poem over two nights at work and it really didn't take long for the words to form together. This poem originates from word spoken by my dear friend Karis to my family on the death of my maternal grandmother.
This is really just a first draft so I haven't measured the meter and rhythm of the poem and no one else has read this yet so I'm not sure if the thoughts come across clearly or not.

Our hearts are often heavy
With burdens that we've met
But do not say you're sorry
For that sounds like regret

We don't want to be careless
We don't like to be bold
We're fearful of being rude
And certainly shan't scold

But if everything is part of
God's great and perfect plan
And His plan's been in effect
Before the wold began

Then why should we regret
The sadness, hurt and pain
If it's all part of something better
He has yet to make plain

The sadness may be real
The hurt may deeply sting
The healing may be long
But yet we still can sing

We fear a risen Lord
Who's been through death and pain
He's faithful and He's loving
His blood can cleanse sin's stain

He knows our every need
He knows each tender heart
He has said there will be trials
But our hearts won't come apart

We can trust Him fully
With our worries and our sorrow
He knows what is ahead
And He plans for each tomorrow

Will you simply trust Him?
Don't worry and don't fret
Don't say that you're sorry
For that sounds like regret

-To The Burdened Heart, 10-9-09